Saturday, August 24, 2013


God works in ways we least expect! Who knew that things would happen so fast and so unexpectedly??!! After 8 years of waiting for this miracle, it was finally happening!! In a way none of us could ever imagine!

Here's The story of the Maldonado's Little Miracle :

Monday, August 19th, was Meet the Teacher at my school.  I met all my sweet 4th graders and their families, all eager to start a new year. I was immersed in planning and getting ready for the school year the couple of weeks leading up to this.

August 20th was our first day of school. We had a busy day getting settled in and getting to know each other. It was a great, but exhausting day.

Frankie was in San Diego, CA working a baseball camp and then went to his hometown, Barstow, CA to visit his dad, sister, family and friends.

Around 3:15PM, Frankie received a phone call from Kate, our adoption caseworker. He was walking into a restaurant with his cousin and good friends and saw the call was from her. So he stepped back outside to talk to her. She asked him what he was doing and he said, "Going to lunch with some friends." She said, "Isn't it kind of late to be having lunch, 3:15?" Frankie said, "I'm in California." "What?! Really?!" said Kate. "Then how are you going to go pick up your son in Orlando?!" Frankie was in complete shock with tears running down his face.

Frankie immediately called me at 3:30PM. My students were already gone for the day and I was busy working in my room. He said, "Kate has a baby for us in Orlando and you need to go get him right now." I wasn't sure I heard him right, and asked, WHAT??? (Usually in the adoption process, a birthmother would choose the family she wants to place her child with at 7 months of pregnancy. This gives the birthmother time for intensive counseling to be sure she really wants to do this. We would meet her, and possibly go to Dr. appointments with her. And eventually go to the hospital for the birth). He said, "Yes, you need to go pick him up now or he is going to foster care!" So we decided right at that moment- this was our son! This is what we have been waiting for!

I ran to my colleagues classrooms crying and they looked at me with panic, "What's wrong!!!???" I said, "Nothing's wrong, it's good!  The agency called and I need to go pick up my baby right now!!" Tears streamed down their faces and we hugged and hugged.

Then panic set in: It's the first day of school. I wouldn't be coming back tomorrow. Or the next day. Or the next. My new class and parents don't even know my situation.  Is the baby healthy and OK? What's his story? OMG- WE HAVE NOTHING FOR A BABY! Not even a car seat, anything for him to sleep in, diapers, formula, etc....
My whole 4th grade team and the principal came in the room.  Everyone was so overjoyed, supportive, and helpful.

Nicole (one of my colleagues) and I drove to my house, rounded up a car seat from the neighbors, and we were off to Orlando. I needed to call my parents and let them know of the news, but Kate the caseworker was already texting me a list of things I needed to do before I picked him up: call a pediatrician and schedule an appointment within two days (did not have a pediatrician and had to work out all the health insurance details in the car). And call an attorney to get the paper work started. And to have a name picked out to put on the paperwork.

Excitement, stress, emotions, nerves, all wrapped into one. This was really happening!  (and no 'two months' to get ready). One hour...on the way to go get him.

Our neighbors were a Godsend. As I was going to pick him up, they rallied the troops, collected and bought baby items and filled our house with the first essentials. Some of my co-workers also pulled through and brought needed items. We are so blessed to have so many people who love and care for us! Words cannot express enough thanks!

Nicole and I finally got to the agency in Orlando. Kate (the caseworker) was on her way there from the hospital with the baby.  We had to wait what seemed like forever. Then she walked through the door  with a car seat in arm...and I saw the tiniest, most precious being I have ever seen. It was a moment I can't explain! He was perfect! And he was mine!

Ezekiel Allan Maldonado
Born August 10th
5 lbs 2 oz 17 in
Gotcha Day: August 20th

After many papers to sign, we were on our way home. As we arrived to the house at 11PM, my neighbor Liz comes walking down the road pushing a huge tub of baby clothes. The excitement was in the air!  Nicole and I were exhausted from the long day. As she went home to get some sleep for her second day of school. My sleepless night began of staring at my child and trying to convince myself that this was real.

Frankie bought a red-eye ticket home and arrived the next day at 6:30 in the morning to meet his little man for the first time.

We are so in love with him and can't wait for all of you to meet him!  Thanks for all your support in our roller coaster of a ride in the last 8 years. Now I can say, it was all worth it!

Saturday, August 10, 2013

One Year

Exactly one year ago I was in the same hotel in Boca Raton creating this blog. Frankie works a baseball camp every year at this time and I always go with him for a last R&R before school starts. We are patiently waiting, yet wondering if this is ever going to happen. There has been interest in our profile book, but no match. We are learning a very valuable lesson through this all: Wait Expectantly

Waiting Expectantly 

Have you been praying about a situation in your life and found yourself waiting for a breakthrough? Are you wondering why the answer hasn't come yet? Do you feel as though victory is passing you by? 

Sometimes when we pray long and hard about a situation in our life without receiving any answers, we just learn to live with it. We go on about our business, wondering if or when God will send the answer. But God does hear those prayers, and He's working out the answers even though we may not know all the details. Our situation can change suddenly, quickly, without warning!

Until then we can either wait passively or expectantly. A passive person gives up, but the expectant person, on the other hand, is hopeful, believing the answer is just around the corner, due to arrive any minute. His belief is not a passive thing. His heart is full of hope, expecting his problem to be solved at any moment. He wakes up every morning expecting to find his answer. He may wait and wait, but he'll keep asking until suddenly, God turns everything around.

Prayer Starter: God, I want to wait expectantly, not passively. I'll keep asking You for my breakthrough, knowing full well that You'll bring it at the right time.

-Joyce Meyer

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you." (Matthew 7:7 NIV)