Saturday, December 22, 2012

Profile Book Drama

So I was so proud of the work I did on my profile book.  I sent it to the first editor and we went through two rounds of changes.  Then I sent it to the second editor. Yes this is a big process since the birthmother chooses the family she wants based upon these books.  They sent back two pages of suggestions for revisions!  Well the revisions they want me to do, I can't do, because the program I made the book in won't let me do half their suggestions. So now, I have to start all over in a different program.  This is so frustrating because I thought we would be a "waiting family" over the holidays. We could be months away from that now. I guess I better get to work!

1 comment:

  1. Well that stinks!! You say they are "suggestions". Are there things that you want to change that you can't do in that program? Is there anything that we could possibly help with? (Shawn and his friends can sometimes work some magic I wouldn't have known about otherwise) Let me know!! I know it must be hard waiting to wait some more. Prayers for strength and patience coming your way!
